Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Warmachine campaign GO!

I have signed on to play in a custom Warmachine campaign this fall. I am in dire need of this gaming goodness. To prepare, my first step was to pick a faction. I decided to go way out of my compfort zone and field the Retribution of Scyrah. I now need to pick a warcaster and have 75 points of models ready to go. My intention is to average a mini per day. Not including the curing time for the varnish I tried (story there for another time) this Manticore took me less than two hours. I am very happy with the results. The quality of the picture leaves a lot to be desired. I plan on working on that as well.


  1. Very cool. Very Zentradi. Very dead when Butcher introduces the poncy elves to Lola.
